Dreams of a Unicorn
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Tuesday, April 28, 2020
By Karen York, CPP, Cr.ph., F.ph.
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Did you ever have a dream of seeing a Unicorn?  I sure did.  As a child, I loved to draw, paint and photograph.  I had the best time with pencils and paints.  I could spend hours working on my masterpieces.  My favorite subjects to draw were unicorns, pegasus and horses.  I was ecstatic when I had the opportunity to meet Annabel last year.  She was very gentle and had the most beautiful blue eyes.  Annabel is no ordinary Unicorn.  She has the ability to bring joy, love and laughter to everyone she meets. It's very difficult to track a Unicorn.  They are very smart and too fast to be caught.

Along with mermaids and dragons, unicorns are among the world's best-known mythical beast.  It was often thought to be a woodland creature that is full of grace and majesty.  In the depths of the forest a creature emerges from a grove of trees into a lighted sunbeam path. Beautiful in radiance, with a shimmering white fur coat, this awe-inspiring creature then trots briskly between the sprinkles of light. One single horn protrudes from the center of its head, standing tall and proud.  Hooves of gold glisten as she whinnes to let you know she acknowledges you.

First reports of the unicorn date back to the fourth century when a Greek physician named Ctesias, wrote about an animal that lived in India. The animal is said to have a blue eyes, a white body, and one horn on its head based on first-hand accounts from travelers to distant regions. Unicorns have a rich pedigree, having been discussed by luminaries such as Aristotle, Julius Caesar and Marco Polo.  Depictions of Unicorns have also been found in South African and South American caves.

This mystical creature visits for a short time, but the call of the wild brings her to retreat deep into the forest.  You try to chase after it, but give up after a short sprint, knowing that you’ll never be able to overcome this prideful creature.  A feeling of joy and sadness overwhelms you as her glittery trail fades in the distance.  But all the while......you know your are special because-- you have seen the Mystical Unicorn.


  • Lindahl, Carl. "Unicorn." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.
  • SuperScience: Mythical Creatures Revealed. Scholastic, May 2006. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.
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